Molly joined the family when my granddaughter stayed with me for a few months. She received the American Girl doll from her great-aunt for Christmas. My granddaughter loved her doll and wanted to play with her. Of course, she loved looking through the most current American Girl doll magazine, but, not only was there no AG store nearby, the items were out of our budget. We put on our creative thinking caps and came up with a lot of ideas. Together, we made a lot of things for her new family member.
One of the first things we made was a kitchen for Molly. We went to Michael's and bought three photo boxes; two pure black boxes and one with a design on it for the table. One was for her refrigerator, and the third box was for Molly's stove.
Making the stove
To make the stove, we turned the box on its side and centered the lid onto the side, gluing it into place. Once it dried and was sturdy, we took red felt and cut four pieces in a circular, snake-like design.We placed each one on the top of the stove with glue, creating four burners that were the perfect size for the cooking pan you can buy at the Dollar Tree.
Molly loved her new kitchen, according to my granddaughter. It was easy to make and, because the boxes are pretty sturdy, it will last a long time.
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